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Blue Stake

1 Day Process

We will call the "blue stake" people to go out to your house and verify the location of utilities.



1 Day Process

The pool is marked in your backyard with nails and paint according to the plan.  When you see this completed it will be very deceiving and will probably look very small and seem very close to walls and patios.  This is the same feeling you get when you are building a house and look at it after the slab is poured. The pool layout is not the actual finished size of the pool


1-2 Day Process

Normal digs usually take no longer than a day, depending on what time the excavator gets started.  The pool is over-dug and may appear quite large.  The steps will not be very noticeable at this point except for a bit of a ramp. Hard digs or rock digs can take much longer but we do not know until we start.  Should you want any dirt left, the excavator will be glad to leave as much as you want, just don't leave more than you need because the excavator won't come and get rid of the leftovers.  If you won't be available during the excavation process, be sure and call our office so we can help make the necessary arrangements.  If you live in a yard with existing sprinkler lines, be sure to make arrangements to have them capped off or re-routed.  Any lines left either in the access area or the pool area will most likely be destroyed


1-3 Day Process

All the PVC piping for pool filtration, fountains and water levelers are installed and the equipment is set. The PVC pipes are left under pressure to ensure that all the plumbing lines are holding pressure to be sure there are no leaks.  PLEASE do not move any valves.  If you are not living in the house while the pool is built, the plumber will return at a later date to set the equipment.


1-2 Day Process

The steel is put into place on a grid pattern using engineer’s specifications to help reinforce the concrete structure of the pool.


1-2 Day Process

The electric is then run from your main electrical panel to the equipment to the pool light, switches, and junction boxes. The junction box and lite switch usually will be installed at or near the patio unless other arrangements have been made.

Pre-Shotcrete Inspection

1-2 Day Process

The city inspector comes out after electric to make sure all we have done will meet required codes. 


1 Day Process

This is where the pool starts to look like a pool.  This is the main structure of the pool and is an amazing process to watch and worth seeing if possible.  You will also notice that the steps seem very steep.  This is normal at this stage because there is no water in the pool.  Once there is water in the pool, it won't feel any different from any other pool you have been in.  It is very important to arrange to have pool watered down periodically, especially during the hot summer months.

The shotcrete company normally will leave detailed instructions on when and how to do this. 

We always advise setting a sprinkler in the pool and turning it on in the morning and off in the evening for a few days. You cannot water the pool too much and do not worry about the standing water left in the pool.  We will have it pumped out eventually. If you have not yet chosen your tile, now would be a good time to do so. 


1-4 Day Process

This stage may or may not apply to you.  This is where planters, waterfalls, bbqs, fireplaces, or water features are built.  It's a good idea to work the schedule so you can be around for this stage of construction.  Our masons that perform this work are truly artists and meeting on the job can help give it the personal touch you may want that cannot be drawn on a plan. 

Deck Work

2-4 Day Process

This would be the process of pouring any decks around the pool such as acrylic deck, natural concrete, aggregate, etc, OR setting Pavers or other types of Stone around the pool.  Unless it is a very small pour, we will form the deck on one day and pour a day or two after.  The deck will be formed up as the plan shows.  If you come home and want something changed, be sure and let us know.  There is a minimal charge for changes although now is the time to do it.  It's much more costly to change after the deck is installed.  Now is also the time to have your landscaper run any necessary sleeves to any areas that may be inaccessible once the deck is poured.  If this is a POURED deck, do not walk on the deck for a day.  Also with poured decks, the color of the deck will lighten up and the color will change a bit from the color you will see on the day it is poured. This curing time will vary depending on the weather. 


1-2 Day Process

The tile you have chosen will now be set around the pool perimeter and any other areas that apply.

Clean Up

1 Day Process

We have a crew that comes in and cleans up all the mess left by the previous subcontractors.  They also prepare the shotcrete of the pool to receive the final interior finish.


1 Day Process

Barriers are usually the responsibility of the homeowner unless other arrangements have been made.  Depending on the city, this would include gate springs, door closing devices, alarms, iron fencing, or anything else the city may require to pass the final inspection.


1-2 Day Process

The city inspector comes out to ensure all codes are met. 

Interior Finish

2 Day Process

This would be the plaster or pebble tec interior. This is another phase of construction that is worth watching. The subcontractor will leave instructions on the job for filling the pool.  Be sure and leave a hose on your back patio for the plasterers to start filling the pool.  Once the pool is full to the middle of the first row of tile, turn off the water and let us know so we can come out to get the pumps running and add the initial chemicals.

Start Up

2-7 Day Process

After everything is up and running, it is not uncommon for us to take up to a week to get all the final details taken care of. We will then need to set up an appointment with you to come out and give oral and written instructions on how to operate and maintain your pool.  If you're interested in pool maintenance, we can recommend someone to you.

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